We Have Storage Services, too!
K & J Moving Systems offers fully padded & vaulted storage for the protection of your household goods.
We use wooden containers (Vaults) which are 5′ x 8′ x 7′ in size. The container is loaded like a moving van would be loaded. Items are padded, the container is sealed and then placed in the warehouse by forklift.

Moving Preparation Instructions
Packing of all small or loose articles.
All small and loose articles must be packed in boxes that are sealed both top and bottom, completely fill your boxes, leaving space in the top of the box will cause the box to crush and possibly cause damage to the articles inside. No plastic bags or open top boxes please, as they are difficult to load properly and do not protect your belongings, thus increasing the chances for damage to those items or surrounding items in the truck.
It is important that your boxes are sealed with the proper kind of tape, we recommend using vinyl-moving tape. Please do not use scotch, masking, or duct tape, as they are not designed to stick to cardboard, and generally will not keep a carton closed during the handling that is necessary.
Labeling of all boxes should include a brief content description along with the room the box belongs in. All labeling should be done on the side of the box as they will be stacked in your new home and this will make it easier for you to locate necessary items.
Mandatory Packing: all canvas type paintings or artwork must be placed into picture cartons
Hanging Clothes: will be packed into loaner wardrobe cartons on the day of the move, the moving crew will do this.
This is a general list of items. A good rule of thumb is: if it will fit into a box, pack it in a box
List of items that should be packed into boxes
- Table lamps and lamp shades
- Kitchen items, small pictures
- Contents in dresser drawers and night stands
- Contents of hutches, entertainment centers, etc.
- Toys
- Shoes
- Linens & bedding including pillows
- Knick knacks
- Stereo equipment, small speakers
- Small and loose articles in cabinets, shelves
- Garage items
Instructions for Packing of Boxes – Dishpack
1) Make a cushion in the bottom of the box by crumpling up a bunch of paper and placing it into the carton.
2) Packing of plates, bowls, etc. While your roll of paper is opened up place one plate in the center of the paper and pull a sheet or two of paper over the top of the plate and place another plate on top, do this for up to six plates, pull paper over the top of the last plate and make a bundle out of the plates, either tape closed or just place into the dishpack carton, place the plates on their edge, do not lay them flat. Continue this process for smaller plates, bowls etc. until the bottom of the dishpack is full.
3) Follow step one again to provide cushion between the layers in the dishpack.
4) Do not use step two in this layer, this will make a carton extremely heavy, what you want to use in this layer is medium weight articles such as larger bowls, spices, pots & pans.
5) Follow step 3 again
6) The top of the dishpack should be used for glasses, cups, etc. Wrap each glass or cup completely making sure you have good cushion around the piece, place the glasses or cups on their ends, this is the most rigid part of the glass (do not lay glasses flat)
7) If needed, crumple up paper to fill the top of the box, remember to completely fill your boxes.
Packing Box Types
1.5 carton
This carton should be used for smaller denser items such as books, record albums, files, papers, canned goods, cd’s, vhs movies, dvd movies, small hand tools, nuts and bolts, etc.
3.0 carton
This carton used for Linens, towels clothes, shoes, pots & pans, food stuffs, bathroom items, closet items, garage items of lesser density such as power tools.
4.5 carton
This carton used for: Bedding, pillows, clothes, shoes pots & pans, Tupperware, Placticware, silverware, smaller pictures (pack with picture on its edge) generally larger lighter weight items
Picture/Mirror carton
This carton is used for packing of larger mirrors and pictures
Wardrobe carton
This carton is used for hanging clothes
Rolled newspaper
Rolled newspaper is wrapping paper, use this product to protect and provide cushioning in boxes, use plenty this is your padding and protection in the boxes.
Get in Touch
(707) 224-8200
Office Hours
7:30am-4:30pm. M-F
Our Office
6400 Broadway St. (Hwy 29)
American Canyon, CA 94503